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IMS OBC Context Description Notes

IMS Candidate Final
Version 1.0

This is the set of term definitions for the OBC context.

Open Badges Connect is a secure REST interface for exchanging Open Badges.

List of Classes

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List of Properties

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Class Definitions

"dtAssertion" Class

Open Badges 2.0 Assertion object.

The list and definition of the child properties is:-

Unique IRI for this object.
The JSON-LD type of this object. Normally 'Assertion'.

"dtBadgeConnectAPI" Class

Configuration information about a single implementation.

The list and definition of the child properties is:-

Unique IRI for the configuration.
The JSON-LD type of this object. Normally 'BadgeConnectAPI'.
Fully qualified URL that will be concatenated with the API endpoints. It SHOULD NOT have a trailing slash '/'. E.g. apiBase + '/assertions'.
A fully qualified URL to the host's authorization endpoint.
An image representing the platform. May be a URI to a hosted image or a Data URI.
The name of the platform supporting the API. This SHOULD reflect the user-facing identity of the platform requesting authorization.
A fully qualified URL to the platform's privacy policy. Other platforms SHOULD link to this resource as part of their authorization interface.
A fully qualified URL to the host's dynamic client registration endpoint.
Applies to Hosts only. An array of strings listing the scopes supported by the Host in the form of fully qualified URLs to the scope descriptors.
A fully qualified URL to the platform's terms of service. Other platforms SHOULD link to this resource as part of their authorization interface.
A fully qualified URL to the host's token revocation endpoint.
A fully qualified URL to the host's token request endpoint for exchanging an authorization code for a bearer token.
A string representing the implemented version. MUST be in the format of vMAJORpMINOR where MAJOR and MINOR are integers.

"dtCompactJWS" Class

A String in JWS Compact Serialization format.

"dtIRI" Class

"dtProfile" Class

Open Badges 2.0 Profile object.

The list and definition of the child properties is:-

Unique IRI for this object.
The JSON-LD type of this object. Normally 'Profile'.

"dtStatus" Class

Response status.

The list and definition of the child properties is:-

A nullable string and the human-readable message describing the problem.
The HTTP status code of the response.
A string matching one of the enumerated and allowed values for the given endpoint.

"dtStatusResponse" Class

A status-only response.

The list and definition of the child properties is:-

The status of the request.

"dtURL" Class

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Property Definitions

"apiBase" Property

Fully qualified URL that will be concatenated with the API endpoints. It SHOULD NOT have a trailing slash '/'. E.g. apiBase + '/assertions'.

"assertion" Property

An unsigned assertion in JSON-LD serialization format.

"assertions" Property

An array of unsigned assertions in JSON-LD serialization format.

"authorizationUrl" Property

A fully qualified URL to the host's authorization endpoint.

"badgeConnectAPI" Property

Set of BadgeConnectAPI configurations.

"error" Property

This property is used in the following classes:-

dtStatus Class
A nullable string and the human-readable message describing the problem.

"extensions" Property

This property is used in the following classes:-

dtAssertion Class
dtProfile Class

"id" Property

Unique IRI for this object.

"image" Property

This property is used in the following classes:-

dtBadgeConnectAPI Class
An image representing the platform. May be a URI to a hosted image or a Data URI.

"name" Property

This property is used in the following classes:-

dtBadgeConnectAPI Class
The name of the platform supporting the API. This SHOULD reflect the user-facing identity of the platform requesting authorization.

"privacyPolicyUrl" Property

A fully qualified URL to the platform's privacy policy. Other platforms SHOULD link to this resource as part of their authorization interface.

"profile" Property

The profile.

"registrationUrl" Property

A fully qualified URL to the host's dynamic client registration endpoint.

"scopesOffered" Property

This property is used in the following classes:-

dtBadgeConnectAPI Class
Applies to Hosts only. An array of strings listing the scopes supported by the Host in the form of fully qualified URLs to the scope descriptors.

"signedAssertion" Property

A signed assertion in JWS Compact Serialization format.

"signedAssertions" Property

An array of signed assertions in JWS Compact Serialization format.

"status" Property

The response status object.

"statusCode" Property

This property is used in the following classes:-

dtStatus Class
The HTTP status code of the response.

"statusText" Property

A string matching one of the enumerated and allowed values for the given endpoint.

"termsOfServiceUrl" Property

A fully qualified URL to the platform's terms of service. Other platforms SHOULD link to this resource as part of their authorization interface.

"tokenRevocationUrl" Property

A fully qualified URL to the host's token revocation endpoint.

"tokenUrl" Property

A fully qualified URL to the host's token request endpoint for exchanging an authorization code for a bearer token.

"type" Property

This property is used in the following classes:-

dtAssertion Class
The JSON-LD type of this object. Normally 'Assertion'.
dtBadgeConnectAPI Class
The JSON-LD type of this object. Normally 'BadgeConnectAPI'.
dtManifest Class
The JSON-LD type of this object. Normally 'Manifest'.
dtProfile Class
The JSON-LD type of this object. Normally 'Profile'.

"version" Property

This property is used in the following classes:-

dtBadgeConnectAPI Class
A string representing the implemented version. MUST be in the format of vMAJORpMINOR where MAJOR and MINOR are integers.

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