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IMS Global QTI Glossary of Terms for Usage Data Distractor Statistics

Vocabulary Details

This document provides a human readable description of the vocabulary terms defined in the IMS Global Vocabulary Definition and Exchange (VDEX) file "imsqti_usagedatav3p0_distractorstatisticsglossary_v1p0.xml". The details of the vocabulary are:

Vocabulary Identifier:
Vocabulary Type: glossaryOrDictionary
Registered Status: true
Vocabulary Language: en-US
Author: Colin Smythe (IMS Global) and Mark McKell (IMS Global)
Issue Date: 2021-12-20
Version: 1.0
Status: IMS Final Release
Base Specification: Question and Test Interoperability (QTI): Usage Data Specification Version 3.0
Keywords: QTI 3.0, Usage Data, Distractor Statistics Glossary
Publisher: IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc.
Copyright: 2021 (c) IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc.
Description: The set of terms that would be used to collect distractor statistics. This is the value that will be entered in the 'name' element.
History: The first formal release of this QTI Glossary as part of QTIv3.0.
License: Users of products or services that include this document are hereby granted a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use this document.

Vocabulary Terms

The set of terms for the vocabulary are described in the table below.

Identifier Caption Status Description
AISResponse Average Item Score for Response Final Equal to the mean of the item scores for the group of individuals that selected the response option.
NumberChoosingResponse The number of people choosing a specified response or getting a specified code. Final Equal to the number of individuals that selected the response option. This can also be used for the number of individuals that received a certain rating on a judged item such as an essay question.
PTbis-Response r-pointbiserial for Response Final A group-dependent measure of the discrimination of the response option, the pointbiserial correlation between selection of the response option and a criterion such as the total score on the test.
PercentChoosingResponse The percent of people choosing a specified response or getting a specified code. Final Equal to the percent of test takers that selected the response option. This can also be used for the percent of individuals that received a certain rating on a judged item such as an essay question.

In the above Table, the possible values and interpretation for the status field are: